A lot of people are unaware of the change of the nails on the feet, under-estimate the danger. Onychomycosis (scientific name of nail fungus) – this is not a cosmetic defect, and a medical problem. The constant susceptibility of the toxins, which product of fungi, led to chronic poisoning of the body. As a result of fatigue, weakness, disturbances of immunity. Not to mention that, affected by the nail fungus do not look aesthetic and will cause the disgust of others.

That dangerous onychomycosis?
Itching, burning sensation and discomfort in the fungal defeat of the skin caused by the contact of the epidermis with the mycotoxins. These exotic and invasive for the human body substances have poisonous properties, the cause of the inflammation and perturb the metabolism in the cells of the skin.
With the defeat of the nail plate such symptoms are expressed less. Unpleasant itching sensations occur only in the advanced cases, when the fungus "happens" to tissues under the nail. The fungus lives in the nail and multiplies, highlighting the poison into the surrounding tissue. The body is suffering from poisoning, only the toxins received in lower amounts in the moth.
Launched onychomycosis is accompanied by the cracking and damage of the skin around the nail is a gateway for other infections. Perhaps the appearance of the wound and suppuration, it is not excluded infection with pseudomonas aeruginosa and staphylococcus aureus. The long-term coexistence with the fungus, ends the onycholysis – the total destruction of the nail. The new plates do not grow back, leaving the surface of the fingers protected. The tissue under the nail are not men to abrasion, pressure, contact with the environment. The man with no nails on the feet experiences pain. Wearing shoes is torture. Appear lack of self confidence and complex.
Onychomycosis is more difficult to cure than fungal diseases of the skin. The nail plate is more dense, and its base is located within the dermis. The fungus is able to expand their disputes, eliminate what is difficult, even with the aid of powerful drugs
How to spot the problems with the nails?
The bacilli are found only in the upper layer of the plate. One can notice the bright spots and stains, easy heterogeneity of the structure, the lack of natural shine.
The process of development of nail fungus
The second phase of the infection penetrates inside the nail. This is manifested by the change of its color, the shape, the structure. The nail plate separates, thickens, loses its elasticity and becomes fragile. When trimming nails breaks down and crumbles.
The third, the launch of the new phase is characterized by a modification of the structure and appearance of the nail. It is whitish, yellow or greenish, loses its transparency. The plate is several times thicker, the cut-off is difficult. The shape of the nail changes on it there are tabs and lumps. On the last step, you experience other symptoms of the fungal infection, itching of the skin, pain and burning sensations, cracks, and smudges on the cuticle. Often the fungus "propagating along" on the skin and the nails to close. In this case, the dryness, itching and hyperkeratosis appear on the soles and between the toes. In the absence of adequate treatment, the damaged matrix of the nail, it withers and dies and disappears.

Onychomycosis, more easily treatable in the early stages of development. To identify the changes of nail plate, for the pedicure is preferable to use the clear coat. Each week should conduct an "audit" of the nails on the feet – care of the examine, cut, and apply a new coat of varnish.
Start the treatment of nail fungus, you must as soon as possible. In the ideal, from the moment of the appearance of blemishes. The spread of the spores of late blight on the entire nail plate will affect the speed of its growth. Hit the nails grow very slowly, which makes difficult the process of treatment. The nail can be considered to be cured after 1-2 months after the complete replacement of the plaque on the health. The easier the process of re-growth – the most important of the cost of the therapy.
For the selection of drugs should consult a doctor. The treatment of fungal infections takes care of a dermatologist. The specialist will determine the degree of negligence of any onychomycosis and you will be given special examinations. A laboratory study of scraping with involvement of the nail allows you to detect a type of fungus and its sensitivity to fungicide means. The specific treatment of drugs fully guarantees the elimination of infection and prevention of relapse. If you select the wrong remedy, its application does not give the effect. Under the supervision of a dermatologist treatment will be faster and more efficient
The process of drug therapy must be controlled. In the process of application of the preparations fungus is able to adapt to him – to the purchase of the resistance (resistance). Low the drug is only "cover" the infection. Visual the healing does not exclude the possibility that the dispute the infection and remained in the plate. As soon as a person stops the treatment, the fungus is reactivated.
Therapy onychomycosis involves the use of the funds to local action. It is solutions, ointments, gels, pastes, varnishes. They act on the surface of the skin and the nail plate, killing the fungus. In severe cases, the need for the application of fungicide means of systemic – to tablets or capsules. Sometimes, in the thrapeutique contain vitamins and stimulants of immunity.
Medicine or traditional medicine: what to choose?
The practice of traditional medicine recommend dozens of different recipes against onychomycosis. Often, they use food, herbs, as well as the pharmacy of the tool from a group of antiseptics. These "medicines" do not have a fungicide action. They are not able to kill the fungus. Within the limits of compositions to folk – to stop the reproduction. This will allow you to grow healthy the nail plate. However, inside it remain in the mould spores, which are activated after the end of treatment.

The application of popular recipes of onychomycosis is recommended only on the first phase of its development. By executing the form of treatment is very long and it will not give sustainable results.
For the treatment of nail fungus it is necessary to choose a medicine. However, the modern pharmaceutical industry offers the tools – fungistatic and against the substance of broad-spectrum. Some of them are capable of killing more than 10 strains of fungi at once. For the prevention of the recurrence of onychomycosis during the treatment it is best to replace the medication 2-3 times. In advanced cases, the funds of the local action is not enough. The guarantee of recovery will provide a comprehensive approach to take the tablets and the use of external medication.
If to disturb the plan of treatment, use of drugs or traditional medicines regularly, not to bring of treatment until the end – nail fungus will stay where it was. In addition, the infection and the more strong will be the worst of yielding to the influence of fungicide substances.
How to prepare the nail?
The treatment of onychomycosis on big toe is quite a problem. Here the larger, dense and thick nail plate. On the large homogeneous space fungus multiplies and spreads more quickly. Hit the nail sometimes reaches 5 mm thickness, which prevents the penetration of medicinal substances.
Preparing for the treatment
Before the application of drugs or traditional medicine, the patient plate must be a special way to prepare:
- thoroughly wash the feet and nails with economic or antibacterial soap;
- place the foot in the basin with the hot (temperature bearable) soda-salt (1 litre of water, add 1 tablespoon of baking soda and 2 – salt) for 10 to 15 minutes;
- getting wet feet personal with a towel;
- the maximum of cut edges free;
- saw off the plate until the appearance of the sensitivity;
- dry feet in the air and begin the treatment the drug.

Such manipulations will need to repeat each week until all of the affected part of the nail.
Before you start the treatment, you must prepare a few pairs of new socks, a bath towel for the feet. In use, it is necessary to wash them as often as possible, be sure to iron an iron. Useful to the bubble with formaldehyde, as well as the great packaging of the wool. Before the start of the treatment must be moistened with 2 ball of cotton wool in the solution, place them in the shoes. Shoes need to wrap it in a bag and put it on the night on the balcony. In the morning the cotton wool will remove, and the shoes air out for 2-3 hours. Such treatments go by once a week. After the complete cure of the fungal infection by a regular and parts of shoes on.
Choose the drug
Speaking at the pharmacy for antifungal tool, you need to seek medication specifically for the nail fungus. Standard ointments and creams can not penetrate into the deeper layers of the nail. For the treatment of onychomycosis medication adjustment in the form of solutions and lacquers special.
Solutions of ill-omen on the nail twice a day, morning and evening, after hygienic treatment of feet. The tool drip on the lunula (the light of the parcel base), as well as under the free edge of the plate. In the first month of treatment, it is better by the way, to treat the skin on the finger, as well as the neighboring nails. Rinse or wash solutions it is not necessary.
Therapeutic nail varnish of ill omen 1-2 times per week. After drying of the tool form a dense layer on the surface of the nail, which works around the clock against mildew.
The treatment of the people methods are inexpensive. Some funds need to cook, to wear on a certain period of time, cover with cellophane, rinse. Do all of these procedures must be every day, 2-3 times per day. Below are the most simple and accessible folk ways of treatment of the fungal infection of the nail.
- The tea tree oil. Antibacterial and antifungal activity. You can only use with a good tolerance. The ether uses in the pure state. 3 times per day not bode well on the nails. Drip on the floor and under the plate. The treatment continue until the regrowth full of the nail.
- Iodine. Drugstore alcoholic solution of iodine ill-omen on the nail twice a day, entirely by treating the surface of the cotton swab. Cons – the colouring of the plates and the skin around them.
- Vinegar. Apple or wine vinegar is permeated with a ball of wool. Put it on the nail, covered with a polyethylene, secured with a bandage or a dressing. Allow for the impact on for 3-4 hours, and then remove the bandage and wash yorumlar vinegar. When the processing is necessary to follow in order to avoid burns on the skin. With a good tolerance of a dressing is applied over the entire night.
Other known means of grated garlic, is lukovo-a mixture of honey, paste of propolis and alcohol, a mixture of aloe juice and the mustard. All of these drugs, you can use in the milder forms of the fungus. Dermatologists recommend applying remedies exclusively as a complement to medical treatment.
How long to wait for the result?

The duration of treatment are very different. The time limits depend on the extent of the defeat of fungus, in its place, the presence of complications in the form of tinea corporis or immunodeficiency. A mild form of fungus on the big toe can get rid of 3-4 months. The deepest of the defeat has not to treat about half a year. In severe cases, the treatment lasts up to one year. Even after a cure rate of onychomycosis is always a risk of recurrence of the infection. To eliminate it, it is necessary to apply the means of prevention, regularly and qualitatively to take care of your feet.
When the excessive sweating should use the powder form of talc, menus for deodorants. The shoes have to deal with the anti-fungal solutions, to change the soles, qualitatively to dry in the open air. The same principles should guide for the prevention of onychomycosis. The essential point – the use of individual shoes, socks, and towels in the common areas (steam room, sauna, pool, massage).
To heal launched a fungal disease of average people, it is important to know what is afraid of nail fungus. This depends on the success of intensive care, clinical outcome. The main thing – to stop the pathological process of the reproduction of the infection, to stop the crisis. To productively overcome the nail fungus means people, you want to consult a dermatologist to go from diagnosis, to transgress the patients in intensive care